ECE 241B, Integrated Photonics, Fall 2024
Integrated photonic devices and components made using silicon, compound semiconductors, thin-film crystals, and dielectric materials. Design, analysis, and applications of components (e.g., waveguides, microresonators, couplers, modulators, lasers, and detectors) for use in communications, sensing, computing, and other areas.
Prerequisites: ECE 241A; graduate standing.
Administrative Details
In-person. Mondays 5 pm - 7:50 pm, EBU1 2315.
No class on: Oct 28 or Nov 25. Makeup: Wednesday, Oct 9, and Wednesday Nov 13, 5 pm - 7:50 pm, Location: EBU1 2315.
Office Hours: Day of lecture (usually Mondays) 2 pm - 4 pm, or by appointment.
Homeworks: You can find the assignments in the shared Google Drives folder. Your solutions should be submitted by email.
Final Exam: (no midterm) Instructions will be provided around Week 5.
Grading: Will be based on a cumulative score (CS) = 80% x homeworks + 20% x final. Using the CS, Grade A = 75% or higher. B = 60% to 75%. C = 50% to 60%. D = 40% to 50%. F: lower than 40%.
Week 1: Introduction. Optical waveguides. Refractive index. Dispersion. Polarization.
Week 2: Couplers. Microring resonators.
Week 3: Micro-resonators. Filters.
Week 4: Electro-optic modulation.
Week 5: Detection.
Week 6: Lasers and Amplifiers.
Week 7: Integrated photonics for (WDM) data communications: pJ/bit/s/mW/m/…
Week 8: Integrated nonlinear and quantum photonics.
Week 9: Design, fabrication, and testing of integrated photonics.
Week 10: Submit final paper & catch up on any previous homeworks.